Thursday 14 August 2014

The Mastermind: Season 1: Episode 1: Edmund Van Allen

Episode 1
"Edmund Van Allen"

*       *       *
*Isla Paradiso*
???: I am Edmund Van Allen. Welcome to the Mastermind Manor.

Edmund: This show isn't about me. Though I am rich, intelligent... and rather handsome... This is about another. The Mastermind. The real wonder of this game.

Edmund: The Mastermind will do their best to hide amongst 9 other contestants... Trying their hardest to sabotage the challenges. Each challenge they will pick a sidekick, a saboteur. Who will be working for them to sabotage the games. If they do a bad job... Its bye bye Saboteur. If they are successful it could mean bye-bye fellow player!

Edmund: But before we say any bye-bye's. Lets say hello-hello to our Manor and our 10 Contestants!

Edmund: Come join me in the greatest experience of a lifetime here on Mastermind Island.

Edmund: Seriously though come in... We haven't got all day.

*       *       *
(I apologise for the darkness ;_; The lights were off.)
This here is our Hallway... 5 doors... Lets start on the right.

First door on the right leads to this little room... Nothing but a chessboard and a view... Great for one on one talks!

Across the hall from that...

The lounge... Complete with books to read and places to sit.

The small kitchen... Where meals will be cooked...

A small dining room... Not big enough for all 10 contestants... Some may have to eat of the floor!

In the corner is a small staircase...

It leads to the basement where more rooms are to be found!

Right near the stairs... A door...

In the door... Is a small gym... Where fit and healthy contestants can exercise.

Across from the gym is another room.

The computer room... This calm blue room will be used to eliminate contestants... After each unsuccessful challenge the contestants will be sent here to do a quiz on the identity of the Mastermind and the Saboteur. We'll get to that a bit later. 
On with the tour!

Now back upstairs in our hallway we have another door on the right.

The lovely diary room! Where contestants can reveal all about their thoughts on the game, their thoughts on each other... or just thoughts in general... Lot of thinking will happen here.

The last two doors are to our two bedrooms...

Firstly... The lovely yellow room... Complete with happy thoughts and a large television screen! 
A double bed will be available... As will a bunk bed!

The red room! Complete with a lovely red colour and dark and gothic style.
Two double beds will be available... And if you are doing the mathematics... There are so far only 8 sleeping spots... Thats because by the end of the first day... Only 8 contestants will remain.

From the red bedroom is the bathroom. Complete with shower and toilet... Not much privacy here... but when is there any privacy in these shows?

Out the back there is a spa...

... a small sitting area by a firepit...

... and a large statue to remind the contestants that the Mastermind has ALL the power.

Edmund: There is only one more room left in the house...

... The meeting room.

Edmund: The contestants have been told to wait here in silence. Until I arrive!

*       *       *

Edmund: Contestants... I welcome you.

Edmund: I am Edmund Van Allen and I will be your host throughout the course of this game.

Edmund: As you know you have all been selected out of thousands of applicants to be a part of this game.

Edmund: One of the 10 of you however is more a part of this game than the rest of you. They are the Mastermind.

Edmund: You all should know how the game works. You DID read the application forms right? The fine print and all that?

Edmund: Lets begin to introduce each other, shall we? Mick?
Mick: "Hello everybody. My name is Mick Donata. I hope that I get to know you all very well over the next couple of days. I am extremely positive person and I want to stay healthy for as long as positive as I exercise everyday and I only eat healthy food."

Callum: Hey aren't you that guy that wants to live till he's like 150?
Mick: That is right! I'm hoping to be the first!
Callum: You know that's not gonna happen right?
Mick: It most certainly will! I'm making sure of it!

Tavi: "Hi I'm Tavares... My friends call me Tavi... I am from Hidden Springs and love to travel to far destinations and explore caves and hidden places. I am an explorer, y'know!"

Callum: Explorer... Right... You know like everything now days has been found already? What exactly are you trying to find?
Tavi: There are lots of places! Like Al Simhara!
Callum: More like your mothers basement! Next person!

Lazun: Do all of you humans converse like this?
Emerson: Pretty much.

Apricot: "Hello everyone. My name is Apricot. Strange name, I know. But I've always liked the uniqueness of it. Lot better than Kiwi anyway, which is what my father wanted to name me. But as you may know, New Zealanders fondly self-identify as Kiwi People, so my mother thought that would be too weird, since, well.... We live in NZ!  Anywho, strange names aside.... Yes, I am a New Zealander, which you may have been able to tell by my accent. 
As for this game, I am very much looking forward to play. I'm a little bit nervous, but definitely excited. I'm a therapist, too, so I think my ability to read people well and understand people's emotions may help me in this game. I hope so, anyway!"
Tavi: Do you make good money as a therapist?
Apricot: Do you make good money as an adventurer?

Jessie: "Hey, i'm Jessie Cohen. I'm not fond with this whole reality show bizzle but I am here to experience it..."

Callum: If you don't like it... Leave and save us all the trouble!... And did you just say Bizzle?

Jessie: "*whispers* Jesus Christ did I really just say bizzle...
Anyway, I'm a musician who is still at university, don't look at me as if I'm some typical reality show obsessed girl that's fame hungry and seeks a bit of love towards the boys because oh hell no you can think again sunshine. If you spot me then it's 95% likely you'll find me playing the guitar and researching stuff about music, ironic isn't it? Well, I hope to experience something from here as I enter hell, I mean...The Mastermind."

Callum: Hey you! Scrawny boy. Do I know you from somewhere?

Emerson: Sure. Lots of people know me!
Callum: Well if lots of people know you then we can skip you! NEXT!
Pemberley: If you say next ONE MORE TIME! You're gonna be missing a few teeth!
Emerson: My name is Emerson Vosal. I'm an actor. You may have seen me in...
Leilani: I thought I recognised you! You were in that movie where they had a massacre at that beach party!
Emerson: Uh. Sure... Why does everyone have to talk during my segment?! :\

Edmund: Alright everyone, quiet please! Lazun. Introduction please.

Lazun: Of course Edmund Van Allen. 
"Greetings Citizens of Earth. My name is Luzun Rishkin. I've come to your planet in search for a cure to a parasite that is ailing my world. I, myself, am infected. As you see, these scales on my skin are a result of this parasite. They are extremely heavy and if not removed, will slowly crush my body and kill me. But do not fear! The parasite does not affect human-kind, so you are all safe. I was a researching on my home planet and I have come here to study the effects of your atmosphere on your bodies to see if there is a cure in your DNA that might save my people. "

Madison: "Hi guys, I'm..."

Callum: Oh look... After blue alien freak... Comes little miss princess carrying her beauty products and half a brain.

Madison: Careful you little ****. I will end you.
Now as I was saying...
"I'm Madison and I'm here to win! I know I'll be successful in that, because I never let anything stop me. I don't care if you like me or don't, I'll get you out and look stylish while doing so! Get ready, Mastermind, because Madison is coming to get you!"

Pemberley: What you think you pose a threat blondie?
"The name's Pemberley. Pemberley Lym. I won't settle for anything but winning, and if you decide to just stand in my way for even the slightest of seconds, you just made the wrong enemy.  I'm not gonna give up on any fight, and sure I may look weak, but you'll die trying to out smarten me. So, I hope to enjoy our time together in this game.  Unless you're all dead meat. "

Callum: Oh me?! I don't need to explain who I am... You'll all see soon enough. My name will be flashing in neon lights in a few days. Just watch.

Lazun: I don't understand. What is this human's name?
Callum: This human's name is Callum... For those who are too impatient to wait for lights.

Leilani: "Shaka Bra! Leilani over here, and some people call me Leila, or maybe you've heard of me as the "Golden Goddess." I got the nickname for being tan from all the surfing I do, and I guess I'm also the "goddess" of the waves. All I need is the sun, ocean, good vibes, and adventure! I always crave adventure, and I'm glad that I signed up for "The Mastermind!" It's definitely going to be new and different, but an I'm open-minded person who loves challenges.  I live by the saying "When was the last time, you did something for the first time?" Well, I can definitely tell you that today will not the be last time I'll be saying this quote."

Callum: And have you ever been eliminated from a reality show before?
Leilani: Uh... No?
Callum: Well then this will be a first for you!

Edmund: Well... Now that we've all seen faces and exchanged names... You'll all get to know each other a bit more in a little while... But right now it's time for some housekeeping...

Edmund: The Mastermind is in this very room... He or she holds a lot of power! 

Edmund: And they have instructed me to announce that "One person will not be making it through this night!" One of you will be eliminated right now.

Tavi: You can't do that!
Mick: That is a tragedy! I'm hoping that its not me! I have a lot in me I have to show!

Emerson: That's not very fair! We just met!
Leilani: How will we be eliminated?
Edmund: The Mastermind will choose who goes home based off of first impressions.
Jessie: Apricot. Was my impression ok? Give me some therapist advice!
Apricot: Well firstly you said Bizzle... 
Jessie: I've heard enough! I'm in trouble!

Callum: To be honest. I think its a good idea. The game is advancing. I can't wait for one of you to go home.
Pemberley: For some reason I agree with you, twerp.

Edmund: One by one you will all enter the computer room... You'll all select who you want to be eliminated the most... The Mastermind is the only one with any power though... The rest is just to prevent spoilers and such.

Madison: Excuse me... This was supposed to be private!

Callum: You were taking too long.

Edmund: Lazun... You're last. You can go in now. Callum has finished.

Lazun: Of course, Edmund Van Allen.

Lazun: I'm just admiring this Carbon-based life form sat on this table.
Edmund: You will have time for that later. Can you just head into the computer room for me?


Lazun: Portal. I demand that you open at once!


Lazun: This map to the galaxy is all incorrect! What do you call this nonsense?!
Edmund: It's "art".
Lazun: This art is all wrong!
Edmund: Computer now. Sit on the chair... Use the computer.

Edmund: Do you need any more help? Or are you alright?

Lazun: I require nourishment of some kind.
Edmund: Dinner will be later. Just pick the person who you'd like to see eliminated. Ok?

Lazun: Electronic machine! I require your services.

Edmund: *sighs* It's a wonder I don't have grey hairs already!

*       *       *

Edmund: Now... That was long... And what seemed to be a rather pointless process.
The Mastermind has chosen one competitor to eliminate.
They are missing if you have not already realised.
Lets take role call!

Edmund: Apricot.
Apricot: Of course I'm here!

Edmund: Madison!
Madison: I'm here!

Edmund: Lazun, are you here?
Lazun: I am right in front of you Edmund Van Allen.

Edmund: Emerson? 
Emerson: Right here!
Edmund: Jessie?

Jessie: I'm still here!

Edmund: Pemberley?
Pemberley: Of course I'm here! Where would I be going?! I'm here to win!
Madison: We are ALL here to win!

Edmund: Tavares?
Tavi: Tavi is here.

Edmund: Mick?
Mick: I've still got plenty of days left to go! I'll be here for a while.

Edmund: Leila?
Leilani: Here, brah! Not going anywhere!
Edmund: Callum?


Edmund: Oh dear. It seems that we have lost our first competitor. Callum Stuart.

Apricot: What a real shame...
Madison: You're being sarcastic right?
Apricot: Duh.

Edmund: You have all survived the first elimination... Congratulations... However. The first challenge has yet to begin and the first saboteur has yet to be chosen!

Edmund: Feel free to explore the house... Your first challenge will begin in a couple of hours! 

*       *       *

(Callum Stuart - First Eliminated)

*       *       *
Turner - Apricot Autumn
Ninja - Emerson Vosal
Artist - Jessie Cohan
Mojo - Lazun Rishkin
Chloe - Leila Apuwa
Bean - Madison Campbell
Jake - Mick Donata
Tiger - Pemberley Lym
Alleen - Tavi McMillan 
Callum Stuart - First Eliminated (10th Place)

Callum was just a fill in character XD
I wanted it to be 5M-5F... And have 10 contestants... (4-4 and 8 originally) but due to a mix up we have 9. XD So Callum was a fill in and added to the story...

The first challenge will begin soon :3 
To the Mastermind: You will be receiving an email regarding the first challenge.

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