Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Mastermind: Season 1: Episode 2: Callum Stuart

Episode 2
"Callum Stuart"

*       *       *
*Challenge 1 Arena*

Edmund: Today, marks the day of the first challenge. As a team they must pass in order to eliminate the newly appointed saboteur!

Edmund: Though the challenge won't start yet... I'm trying to beat my score on this game. The contestants shall arrive later tonight.

*       *       *

*Back at the Mastermind Manor*

Pemberley: 27... 28... 29...

Pemberley: Grr... Damn these weak bars!

Lazun: Oh. Hello there Pemberley Lym.

Pemberley: What do you want?!

Lazun: I would just like to ask the direction to the nearest waste disposal area?

Pemberley: You mean the toilet? It ain't that hard to find! Now if you don't mind I'm busy!

Lazun: Yes. I am trying to find this 'the toilet'. I'll go... Look by myself.

*       *       *

Mick: "People have been saying that living for 150 years is impossible. However, I just wanted to say that when I was born, I was diagnosed with a rare blood disease and the Doctor said I only had 5 weeks to live. Yet I survived that. Because of that, I like to keep a positive attitude on things."

(Italics means that this DRE was written by the player... Anything else was just by me XD)

*       *       *

Mick: Hiya Pemberley! How's it going?

Pemberley: Am I missing something here? What is it with you people?!

Mick: Mind if I join you? I'm here for my daily exercise!

Pemberley: Are you serious?... Don't break my concentration and...

Mick: You know what they say...  Exercise makes you healthier AND it makes you live longer!

Pemberley: Greeeeaaaat. I don't really care.

Mick: Mind if I put on some music?
Pemberley: Depends what kind.

Mick: Only the good kind!
*blasts music*

Pemberley: Uhhh... Turn that shit down or change the song!
Mick: Whatever you say! :D

*       *       *


Leilani: Dude! I can't believe you were in a movie... Thats so cool!

Emerson: I've actually been in a lot of movies... Usually as extras and minor characters... But I was definitely there!

Leilani: See I don't watch a lot of movies or TV and stuff... I actually spend most of my time at the beach.

Emerson: Yeah thats cool too...
Leilani: But obviously not as cool as being in movies... Have you ever been to Isla Paradiso?! I mean of course you have. You're a big star and all! Do you like the beach?! Can you surf? Wanna go surfing with me some time? :D

Emerson: Uhhhh... Tavi what are you up to?!

Tavi: What do you think? I'm just reading this book that I got from my last adventure.

Emerson: Aww cool... Whats it about?
Tavi: I still have yet to decode most of it.

Emerson: Do you mind if I have a look at it? I mean I could help.

Tavi: Do you speak fluent Latin?
Emerson: I know Pig Latin!

Tavi: I really don't think that is helpful right now.

Emerson: Ethay enguispay areway inway ethay oilettay!
Tavi: I honestly have no idea what you just said.
Emerson: I just said that... You know nevermind.

Emerson: Uh... How long have you been sitting there?
Leilani: I uh... moved over here to check the book out and stuff...

Emerson: Riiiiight.
Lazun: Excuse me Emerson and Leilani... Can you direct me to the toilet?
Leilani: Yeah sure.

*       *       *

*insert piano music here*

Jessie: *hits a wrong not**sigh* Dammit... Stupid fingers.

Jessie: Why did I even say bizzle?! Uh.

Jessie: Why am I talking to myself? Am I crazy? Nah.

Madison: Damn! You look good today!
Jessie: Oh. Thanks!

Madison: I wasn't talking about you!!
Jessie: Oh...

Madison: But that outfit is really cute. Obviously not as pretty as mine... But still... Second place is good too...
Jessie:... Right? Thanks.

Madison: Excuse me... Can you watch where you're going in the future! Thanks!
Apricot: Yeah. Sure sweetie.

Apricot: The nerve of some people. Am I right?
Jessie: Yeah. I'm still yet to understand her.

Apricot: Hey can I talk to you for a minute? I just want to ask you something.
Jessie: Who me? Oh uh... Yeah sure!

Apricot: I honestly.. Just want you to look me in the eyes and tell me... Are YOU the Mastermind?

*smiles politely*

Jessie: Seriously?
Apricot: Dead serious.

Jessie: I am NOT the Mastermind.
Apricot: Thats all I needed to hear.

Jessie: Are we like friends now or?
Apricot: Sure. You can trust me.

Jessie: Sweet... I still don't understand these people though. They sure are weird.

*       *       *

Apricot: I got EXACTLY what I needed from her. I can read people like a picture book!

*       *       *

Edmund: Welcome contestants, saboteurs and Masterminds alike! I hope you are all ready for your first challenge! 
Witch Hunt!

Edmund: Each of you are to pick one of these small houses in this village. Go on! Anywhere is fine!

Edmund: Now... In each of these houses. You will have a coloured room.

Red means you will be a witch. Your job is to work with the other witches to eliminate each of the other contestants. If they all are eliminated you win immunity unless you are eliminated.

If you have green! You are part of the town! You will not know who is who but you must deduce who the witches are and eliminate them during the "day".

There will also be in the town: a gunsman who can eliminate one player during the night.
A sheriff who can spend their nights checking someones allegiance.
And a deputy! Who will take over as sheriff once they are eliminated!

Edmund: Ok... I doubt any of you will want to eliminate Day 1... So Night 1 has officially begun. Everyone enter your sound-proof houses and stay there until further notice.

*       *       *

Tavi: Red... Hmm... Well, I think I have the skills to be a witch.

Madison: Uh... Green?! This doesn't suit me at all!

Apricot: Purple... Gunsman?... Heh. I can do some damage with this!

Leilani: Green. At least I'm one of the good guys. We got this.

Jessie: RED?! I'm no witch! 
Uh... Can I have a repick?!
You know I'm not suited for this evil stuff!


*       *       *

Emerson: "I always wanted to be a witch! Ever since that movie Salem Witch Trials!... I got cast as a townsperson........ Who died during the intro!
Now I'll show them!
 I'll show them all!!!!
 Sorry about that. Lost my cool for a bit there! Like I ever had it. heh!"

*       *       *

Lazun: What does this green and blue represent? Oh. I'm a deputy. 

Pemberley: Wheres the red?... I want that immunity!!!!!!!!

Mick: Sheriff? Awesome! I can help this town and take us all to victory! Nice!

*       *       *
*Night 1*
Edmund: Witches... You may now come out and commence in 'cursing' a town member.

Edmund: Welcome witches... This is your team. I wish you all good luck.
Tavi: Well.. Who should we go for?

Jessie: MADISON!
Emerson: Woah. Calm down!

Tavi: Why her?
Jessie: She isn't really the... Nicest person ever.
Tavi: I guess not.

Jessie: Any objections?

Jessie: I thought not... Lets do it?

Emerson: Aren't you usually the quiet one? This is slightly creepy.

Tavi: Madison it is... Which one is her door?
Edmund: Its the one next to yours.

Tavi: Uh... How exactly do we lock it?

Edmund: Oh right. I have the key. One moment.

Edmund: There we go. You may all go back to your houses. Your job is done.

*       *       *

Edmund: Mick... Or Should I say... Sheriff Mick! Who would you like to investigate?

Mick: Hmm... How about Madison?

Edmund: Madison is a... Townsmember...

Mick: Awesome! Well thanks Edmund. Is that all?
Edmund: Yeah thats all for tonight. Good luck tomorrow.

*       *       *

*Day 2*

Edmund: And then there were 8... Who is missing?

Madison: I am going to destroy you all!!!

Edmund: Well... I can say that Madison has been cursed by the witches...

Edmund: Luckily she was just a regular townsperson.

Edmund: You may no vote on who you would like to eliminate today. Then we can move onto Night 2!

Apricot: What do we all think? Jessie? Leilani?

Jessie: I'm not sure. I have no information.
Leilani: What she said! We've got nothing!

Pemberley: We've got nothing? or I've got nothing? Thats a little suspicious... Are you in a team?

Leilani: I'm just saying... I don't know who is who! Any of us could be anything... I have no information to give!
Mick: Well I think that you're a witch too! You're acting a little strange. Sorry.

Jessie: She's just saying we have nothing to go off of so far... We being the town! We can't eliminate someone so early!
Leilani: Yeah... I think you are being a bit quick Mick! Do you have any information to back this up?
Mick: Well all I can say is I am the sheriff! I'm here to help!

Edmund: This is fun! But I'll need a vote... We have time constraints people.

Apricot: I think I'm ok with going with Leilani... Who else? Mick? Pemberley? You two.
Pemberley: I don't care to be honest. I think we should just wait till tomorrow.
Apricot: Lazun? Will you vote with us.
Lazun: Sure Apricot. Is this a custom here?

Apricot: Emerson and Tavi?
Tavi: I'll go with this.
Apricot: Thats 5 votes. Thats enough.
Leilani: You're all making a BIG mistake!

Edmund: Green.
Leilani: See?! What the hell people?!

Edmund: Leilani was another townsperson. Leilani will be locked in her house... The rest will continue with Night 2.

*       *       *

*Night 2*

Jessie: Mick tonight.
Emerson: I was gonna say the same thing.

Tavi: What if he is lying? What if he isn't the sheriff?

Jessie: We can't take that chance.
Tavi: What if we go with Apricot? She's very loud.
Jessie: We are going with Mick... Thats it.

Edmund: I think the votes stay with Mick. You're job is done.

*       *       *

Edmund: Sheriff... It is happening again. You may choose someone to check.
Mick: I'll investigate Tavi... Just because he's next to Madison.

Edmund: Tavi is a witch... Use this information wisely.

Mick: We are definitely gonna win this! I can't wait to reveal Tavi to the others!

*locks door*
Edmund: Riiiight.

*       *       *

Edmund: Alright ever-...

Apricot: *coughs* I'd like to use my gun if you'd just excuse me. I'll be real quick.

Apricot: Here we go... Sorry Pemberley... But I don't trust you one bit!

Apricot: Thats all...

Edmund: Uh...... YOU CAN ALL COME OUT NOW!

*       *       *
*Day 3*

Edmund: Well... There only appears to be... 5 of you left?! This is happening quicker than I expected.

Tavi: Yeah! Halfway point!
Apricot: What do we do now? Ideas?

Jessie: I think we shou-

Edmund: ...should check we isn't here!

Mick: Oh well... I did my best. It's all up to the deputy now! 

Pemberley: I... Will... Kill... You... ALLL!!!!!!!

Apricot: Lazun... What side are you on? 

Lazun: I am on the Blue team!
Apricot: Blue team?
Lazun: Yes. I am also on the Green Team!
Emerson: And who do you think we should vote for? 
Lazun: We should vote for Tavi! 

Tavi: I don't trust you Apricot. You seem to be running everything.

Apricot: I don't trust any of you... Lazun. Why Tavi?

Tavi: How about we all vote someone different? Lets make this messy.
Edmund: Or you could all vote for the same person so we can end this day!

Lazun: I will still vote for Tavi. I believe he is a witch.

Apricot: Jessie? Who do we vote for?
Jessie: We should just... Call a no vote!
Apricot: So the witches win? No chance. 

Jessie: I'm just saying. We all aren't deciding... We should just...

Emerson: I don't know who to vote for either... I'll stay out of this.

Lazun: I am sure it's Tavi...
Tavi: And I am sure its Apricot...

Tavi: Apricot... Are you still sure its Lazun?

Apricot: Actually... I've got someone else in mind. Right HERE.

Emerson: You mean Jessie? Why her?
Apricot: Just a hunch.
Tavi: I agree... Jessie it is!

Edmund: Hurry up... All those who vote Jessie?
Apricot: Aye!
Tavi: Aye!
Emerson: Sure.

Jessie: No you're all making a mistake... I'm innocent because of the following reasons!

One! I'm...

Jessie: Oh... Right... Well. I guess no immunity? Dang!

Lazun: Wait... Why is it that the witches voted out one of their own?
Edmund: Treachery! ... Alright back to your houses! Night 3!

*       *       *
*Night 3*

Edmund: Well... That was unexpected...

Emerson: What the hell man? We just needed to vote out Lazun and we would have won!

Tavi: You be careful... Or I'll eliminate you. 
Emerson: Woah! Calm man!
Tavi: You want immunity... You have to earn it!

Tavi: We're gonna eliminate Lazun. Apricot will realise by then she's lost.
Edmund: Thank you guys... Good luck.

*       *       *

Lazun: Ooh... I didn't notice these before. What are they called.

Edmund: Some kind of flower? I don't know!
You're are the new Sheriff... Who would you like to investigate?

Lazun: I would like to investigate Apricot, Edmund Van Allen!

Edmund: Apricot is part of the Town!

Lazun: I am glad to know that Apricot is on the same Team as me!

Edmund: Yeah... Alright everyone you can come out now!

*       *       *

*Day 4*

Lazun: Um. Excuse me Edmund Van Allen! My door appears to be malfunctioning!

Apricot: Shit... Well I guess you both win.

Emerson: Yeah... Unless someone backstabs another witch again!

Tavi: I vote for Apricot.

Apricot: Well. I knew this was coming.

Tavi: Don't you dare vote against me boy!

Emerson: Oh no... I'm not moving a step.

Apricot: This is your last chance to win immunity by yourself Emerson! You can still change your mind!

Apricot: Oh well... We tried.

Edmund: Witches are the winners! 
And with that Tavi and Emerson win immunity!


Edmund: I'd take notes of what happened if I were you... The Saboteur AND Mastermind were DEFINITELY at work here!

*       *       *
Turner - Apricot Autumn
Ninja - Emerson Vosal
Artist - Jessie Cohan
Mojo - Lazun Rishkin
Chloe - Leila Apuwa
Bean - Madison Campbell
Jake - Mick Donata
Tiger - Pemberley Lym
Alleen - Tavi McMillan 
Callum Stuart - First Eliminated (10th Place)

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