Sunday 5 October 2014

The Mastermind: Season 1: Episode 3: Surprises

Episode 3

*       *       *
*At The Mastermind Manor*

*       *       *

Leilani: *sigh* What a beautiful-ish view of the ocean and islands.

Leilani: *sigh of relief*
Madison: Can you stop with the sighing?!

Pemberley: Oi move.
Madison: Excuse me?

Madison: I said... EXCUSE ME!!!
Pemberley: Yeah I heard ya!

Madison: What do you think you are doing barging in like that? I am trying to cook a nice meal!
Pemberley: ...

Madison: Um. Hello?! Talking to you!... I said "What do you think you are doing?"
Pemberley: I was just getting a juice. Duh.

Madison: A juice... A JUICE! That was MY juice!
Pemberley: Oh yeah? Well it didn't have your name on it blondie!

Madison: Blondie? Hmpf! At least I'm allowed to have fun! You know what they say... How blondes have more fun?
Pemberley: Its a saying. It ain't a rule... And this is my juice for the taking!
Madison: Oh please. Like you need to eat OR DRINK anything more. You've pretty much emptied the fridge!

Pemberley: I think you're forgetting who is in charge here! I'M the one who is in running this house. Not you and your lousy hair extensions!

Madison: You are NOT the queen of this house because we ALL know thats me! And this is my real hair! I'd say the same to you... But yours looks like a child put spaghetti on your head!

Pemberley: I can't wait for you to be eliminated! It'll make this game a lot more bearable!
Madison: We'll I can't wait for you to go! It'll make this game a lot more... STYLISH!

Leilani: Guys please! Can't we all just get along... Be friends? Have fun?... Everyone just needs to calm down and-

Madison: Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! I AM CALM!!!

Pemberley: This is NOT a good time to tell either of us what to do. Got that?

Leilani: *awkward look* Uhh... Umm... Oh look at these lovely lights!

*       *       *

*Lazun paints*

Mick: *stretches*... Hey Lazun! Whatcha up to?!

Lazun: I am applying ink to this canvas to create a large picture like Emerson taught me. It is rather difficult but I am beginning to understand.

Lazun: I am trying to draw what you humans call "The Nature".

Mick: Wow! Lazun! Thats awesome! 

Lazun: Thank you Mick. I am sure that I am not as good as everyone else but I am very happy with the progress I have made!

Mick: Not all humans are good at painting. But with plenty of practice and a keen spirit, you'll be a master in no time!
Lazun: Thank you Mick. I shall remember that advice.
Mick: It's pretty much how I get through just about everything! And my life is going great!

Lazun: I am feeling happy for your success. I will continue to apply paint to this canvas until I am a master.
Mick: Good luck! I wish you well.

Mick: Uh... Lazun.
Lazun: Yes Mick?
Mick: Just out of curiosity. Is your arm supposed to bend that way? 

Lazun: I believe so. It's a feature that differentiates my kind from your race.
Mick: Wicked.

*       *       *

*Music plays in the red room*

Jessie: *humming along quietly and contently*

Emerson: Oh... Hey Jessie... Can I-...
Jessie: Talk to me?
Emerson: Yeah! How did you know? 

Jessie: Lucky guess.
Emerson: I just wanted to-...
Jessie: You wanted to apologise for eliminating me in the challenge and costing me immunity? 

Emerson: I just... Yeah... Sorry bout that.
Jessie: It's ok. I'm not even mad. It's just a game.

Jessie: Besides... Its Tavi's fault really. He played the game as hard as he possibly could! It wasn't entirely your fault!

Emerson: Uh Tavi... I don't even know if we are friends anymore! 
Jessie: I'm sure it's fine.
Emerson: I hope so. I REALLY don't want an enemy in this game.

*       *       *

Tavi: The witch hunt was cool... I'd really fooled Apricot... Hehe. I think, or just maybe... Emerson was really awesome in the game just a pity we had to lynch Jessie... I think we would've swayed the game sooner to our side if she was more co-operative... Anyway. I'm anxious to see who's going to leave the game.

*       *       *

Apricot: Hmmm...

Tavi: *coughs* Ahem.
Apricot: One moment. 

Tavi: Apricot. I have an offer to make you.

Apricot: You? Have an offer... For me?... I'm usually the one who makes offers.
Tavi: This is a one time thing. I want to form a partnership kinda deal.

Apricot: A "partnership kinda deal"? You want to work together in a game where all of us have the potential to at one point in the game backstab everyone and be a saboteur?... 
What do you have that I need?
Tavi: I have extra information that you don't have!
Apricot: Like what?
Tavi: Ahh... Can't tell you yet!

Tavi: I was, however, on the witches side. I have extra dirt on Jessie and Emerson. Also I am guaranteed to be around at least until the next elimination!

Apricot: Damn you're good. I'm in.

*       *       *

Edmund: Previously... The contestants each completed a questionnaire about the challenge, the identity of the Mastermind and this challenge's Saboteur!

It consisted of 10 questions, ranging from minor details like Male or Female... To major points like name.

Edmund: Are you sure you know what you are doing Lazun?
Lazun: I am sure, Edmund van Allen!

*       *       *
*The Elimination*
Apricot: Interesting... I'll keep all that in mind if I make it through this elimination!

*The lights go red*
Tavi: What is that?!


*       *       *


Lazun: My painting! I would like to complete it!
Mick: Gotta go Lazun! Cmon!

*       *       *


Jessie: Yeah yeah. We're coming!

*       *       *


Pemberley: I'm trying to eat... God dammit!

Leilani: Cmon Madison! We gotta go NOW!

Madison: I just... Wanna... Finish this!... UH!!!

*       *       *

Edmund: Now that you are all here... This is the elimination!

*       *       *

Edmund: Wait... Is everyone here? I feel like we are missing a few!

Lets take role call!

Tavi is here!

Pemberley is here!

Emerson is here!

Lazun is here!

Madison is here!

Mick is here!

Jessie is here!

Edmund: Well... I think that is everyone.


Apricot: I'm here too! Did you just forget about me?! And what about Leilani?!

Edmund: Oh yes... Well... It appears that our friend Leilani has been eliminated then!

*       *       *

Leilani Apuwa - 2nd Eliminated

*       *       *

Edmund: Well... That concludes our shock elimination... You are all through to the next challenge and Elimination! Congratulations!

Edmund: Although before we go any further! Would the Mastermind please stand up and take a bow?


*No one moves*

Edmund: Well... It seems the Mastermind does not want to commit to their two eliminations... I guess we'll have to change that!

The Mastermind has opted... 
To give up their powers.

They do not want the responsibility of evil!

Instead... One of the 8 of you will become the NEW Mastermind!

One of you will win the ultimate power!

Edmund: Consider the game changed... You may now gasp!
Everyone: *gasps*

*       *       *

2 Eliminations... 6 to go...

*       *       *

Its clear to see 3 things here...
1. Chloe/Leilani was forcibly removed from the game. She had not been active on the forums or via email and did not respond to the quiz. Leilani, however, was NOT the Mastermind OR the saboteur. She was a genuine player.
2. The Saboteur has been deemed successful. They were NOT eliminated in this challenge. I can't reveal who that person was... They may want to remain anonymous due to suspicions of being the Mastermind and also it will benefit them in the finale (If they make it)
3. The Mastermind has opted to swap. They did not choose the Saboteur or enjoy the thought of being the Mastermind. They will become a normal player... And a normal player will become the replacement Mastermind via a random generator. I cannot reveal who the old Mastermind was due to suspicions and lying being important in the game.

Keep an eye out for an email... The NEW Mastermind will be chosen soon!

Turner - Apricot Autumn
Ninja - Emerson Vosal
Artist - Jessie Cohan
Mojo - Lazun Rishkin
Bean - Madison Campbell
Jake - Mick Donata
Tiger - Pemberley Lym
Alleen - Tavi McMillan 
Chloe - Leilani Apuwa - Second Eliminated (9th Place)
Callum Stuart - First Eliminated (10th Place)

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